Safeguarding Policy
At Girl Power, the safety and well-being of every individual we work with is our highest priority. We are committed to fostering an environment where all participants, especially girls and young women, feel secure, respected, and empowered. Our safeguarding policy ensures that all activities, programs, and interactions are conducted in a manner that prioritizes the physical, emotional, and psychological safety of every person involved.
We recognize that children, young people, and vulnerable individuals may be at greater risk of harm, and we take proactive measures to protect them from abuse, exploitation, and neglect. Our staff, volunteers, and partners are thoroughly vetted and trained to identify and respond to any safeguarding concerns.
We uphold a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of harassment, abuse, or discrimination. Every allegation or concern raised will be taken seriously and addressed promptly, with confidentiality and sensitivity. Girl Power is committed to working closely with local authorities and relevant agencies to ensure the highest standards of protection are maintained.
By prioritizing safeguarding, Girl Power ensures that our mission of empowering girls and young women is achieved in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.